Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder. People with this condition develop painful spots and blackheads. Most commonly on the face, back and chest body
These spots occur when the sebaceous glands get clogged up with dead skin and oils. These glands are found in the hair follicles on your skin and produce sebum. An oily, waxy substance that keeps your skin lubricated and waterproof.UFABET
Though the spots are physically harmless. Acne may have a serious effect on people’s mental health and lead to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.
The exact role that vitamin A plays in the development and treatment remains unclear.
It has been suggested that vitamin A deficiency may increase your risk of developing acne. As it causes an overproduction of the protein keratin in your hair follicles.
This would increase your risk of acne by making it more difficult for dead skin cells to be removed from hair follicles, leading to blockages.
Some vitamin-A-based medications for acne are now available with a prescription.
Isotretinoin is one example of an oral retinoid that is effective in treating severe acne. However, this medication can have serious side effects and must only be take under medical supervision .
The exact role of vitamin A in the prevention and treatment is unclear. Yet, vitamin-A-base medications are often used to treat severe.